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3 Things, 1 Thing, and 6 Things to Pray for March316

As the International Day of Evangelism, also called March316, approaches, we desperately need to be praying. To that end, we want to give you 3 things, 1 thing, and 6 things to pray every day for 3/16.

3 Things to Pray for Pastors

First, pray for preparation. Pastors must study what John 3:16 means and its context so they can communicate it clearly and faithfully. Pray that pastors around the world will be faithful to the text. Pray that pastors will discover and mine every nuance of the text. Pray that pastors will prepare their hearts, through prayer, for 3/16. Pray that pastors will seek the Lord's help and rely completely and wholeheartedly on Him as they prepare to preach.

Second, pray for the proclamation. Pray that pastors will be clear. Pray that there will be no distractions during the worship service. Pray that every pastor would be given unction of the Holy Spirit. Pray that God's Word will not return void as they preach on 3/16.

Lastly, pray for the invitation. Pray that every church begins to prepare now for the people desiring to know and follow Christ. Pray that every pastor would clearly present how to be saved. Pray that pastors will be prepared to counsel those who desire to be saved on 3/16.

1 Prayer for the Lost

Pray that the lost come to know and follow Christ. Pray that hearts would be convicted. Pray that those invited will attend a local church. Pray for a spiritual awakening to take place around the world on 3/16.

6 Groups to Invite

There are six groups of people you should pray to come to salvation. You should also pray for the opportunity to invite these six groups of people to come with you to your local church on 3/16.

First, pray for your friends. Pray that your lost friends would come to church and come to know and follow Christ. Pray that your friends who have stopped attending church will return to church. Make a list of friends you want to invite on 3/16 and start praying for them now.

Second, pray for your relatives. Pray for your lost relatives to come to know and follow Christ on 3/16. Pray for the boldness and courage to invite them to come with you on 3/16. Make a list of relatives you want to invite on 3/16 and start praying for them now.

Third, pray for your associates. Pray for co-workers, clients, and people you regularly see during your workday. Pray for opportunities to talk to them about coming to church with you on 3/16. Pray that your work will allow you to have these open and crucial conversations. Make a list of your associates you want to invite on 3/16 and start praying for them now.


Fourth, pray for your neighbors. Pray for your immediate neighbors to your right and left. Pray that God will allow you to see them outside and be able to invite them to church on 3/16. Pray for your neighborhood. Pray for the ability to speak with multiple people in the neighborhood. Set aside time, for the next two months, to prayer walk your neighborhood. Pray for a spiritual awakening to take place in your neighborhood. Make a list of your neighbors you want to invite on 3/16 and start praying for them now.

Fifth, pray for strangers. Pray that God gives you the eyes to see people you don't know and the boldness to invite them to church on 3/16. Pray that God quiets your spirit to take the time to not rush conversations. Pray that God would bring strangers into your local church to hear John 3:16 preached on 3/16. Pray for the salvation of people in your city.

Lastly, pray for the unreached. John 3:16 will not just be preached at your local church, but in local churches across the nation and around the world, including unreached people groups. Pray that God would use the preaching of John 3:16 on 3/16 to reach people who have never heard the gospel before. Pray that God would use this International Day of Evangelism to ignite a movement and raise up a generation of evangelist and missionaries to reach the lost on all corners of the globe.


We would encourage you to pray these intentional, “3 Things, 1 Thing, and 6 Things” daily. March 16, 2025, is coming. Are you in?

Article written by Klayton Carson

For more information on March316, visit


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